Over the past several years our Nation has become more divided than I have seen it during my entire 80 years of life. Rather than being united as one nation, all too many of our citizens exist in "tribes" of like-minded individuals who feel that anyone who doesn't think as they do is an unpatriotic degenerate deserving of ridicule and scorn.
This was exemplified in a most disgusting bumper sticker I recently noticed while driving in Payson which read: "liberals are so open minded that their brains fall out". Not only are the individuals who sport these absurd slogans showing their extreme bigotry and close mindedness, but without realizing it, they are playing into the hands of our adversaries. In particular Russia who has a lot to gain by keeping us divided and at each other's throats.
If we continue down this path of division, bigotry and tribalism sooner or later the word united in United States of America will be completely meaningless. If this ever occurs, then our adversaries will have won in negating the most powerful statement in our constitution that makes us the nation that our founders envisioned: "We the people".